Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Top Tech Searches

Although this week's top 50 searches have not altered very much from last week, there are some notable re-entries, including Thanksgiving at #11. Despite Thanksgiving's gain, Halloween remained the most searched holiday at #2. Just as our Halloween sugar rush is beginning to subside, we have another day of over-eating quickly approaching (albeit with fewer costumes and more bitter familiar relations). Christmas trails as the third most searched holiday at #19.

Other re-entries include Jennifer Aniston at #43, Final Fantasy at #44, Anna Nicole Smith at #45, and Salma Hayek at #48. Hayek is one of the executive producers of ABC's new hit, the adorable "Ugly Betty," and last week, made an appearance on the series as magazine editor, Sofia Reyes. (She also often makes cameos as the star of the telenovela-within-the-show watched by the characters. In this role, Salma gets to do deliciously campy, soap operatic things like make out with priests, slap people repeatedly, and fake pregnancies using soccer balls. I think real life would be a lot more fun if more people behaved like soap opera characters.)

In a scene that seems as if it could have been lifted from a soap opera, Hayek reportedly left $50,000 worth of jewelery in a New York City cab last week. The jewels were returned to her when the cab's next passenger turned out to be "The Bachelor" Lorenzo Borghese. I once left an umbrella in a cab and never saw it again. I'm glad things worked out better for Salma.

At #35, Las Vegas, haven for gamblers and partiers, is our most searched city. The top ten most searched U.S. cities this week are:

1. Las Vegas
2. Chicago
3. Boston
4. Miami
5. Seattle
6. Los Angeles
7. Portland
8. Denver
9. San Francisco
10. New York City

Though it may seem surprising that Las Vegas would top New York City and Los Angeles in search activity, remember - Vegas is the only city in America where you can eat a five dollar prime rib, hit Venice, Paris, and ancient Rome, and see Celine Dion all in one evening.

Bonus List: Top Tech Searches





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